We respect and understand the importance of your privacy and would never disclose it to any uninvolved third party without your consent. The only information we receive from you are voluntary, through our contact and registration forms. All information will be stored on our secure server for the sole purpose of knowing how to contact you and deliver your orders.

You have the right to request comprehensive information on how your data is used, stored and protected. We will take all the necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access to your personal data, loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of personal data. Furthermore, you can also request for deletion of your personal details without any undue delay from our side.

Personal Information

JK ENTERPRISE CO LTD. is committed to comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of our customers according to the GDPR (GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION) adopted by EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT. We intend to fully reflect the GDPR’s new and updated requirements on how we process personal data so we have adjusted and applied these changes to abide by the new legislation.

Therefore, we aim to be:

  • Transparent by providing you a privacy policy which is an important part of fair processing.
  • Fair, open and honest about who we are and what we are going to do with the personal data we collect.
  • For the information we provide to you about the processing of your personal data to be concise, transparent, intelligible, and easily accessible.
  • we process personal data so we have adjusted and applied these changes to abide by the new legislation.
Use of  Personal Information.

How is it collected? Why is it being collected?

We collect personal information about our users in order to provide our products, services, and customer support. Our products and customer support are provided through many channels including but not limited to: websites, email, and telephone.

Personal Information we collect

What information is being collected? Who is collecting it?

We collect information when you register on our site, place an order or fill out a form. When registering or submitting a form on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your name, e-mail address and/or phone number. You may, however, visit our site anonymously.

We collect and store the following personal information:

  • Account details (including your name, email address(es) and password(s)
  • Information you provide to us when you sign up to receive our Stocklist.
  • Your IP address.
  • Time and date of access.
  • Your search data and content that you access.
  • Transaction history.